Roll 3d6 - Roleplaying Resources


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 Isometric Assets No. 26, Map Accessories
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 20:42:19 CDT
Publisher: Minish Cartography

This pack contains a collection of accessories to create borders, labels, and other decorations for your maps. The theme of this pack and some of the assets were chosen by my Patreon community. All the assets have transparent shadows to allow layering over any ground material on the base map.

The assets are provided as a single large sheet and a zipped folder containing individual asset files. The assets are also provided in up to 2 variants, depending on what makes sense for the asset in question. The variants are regular and wireframe. All my assets are provided under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license from Creative Commons, this license allows commercial use with attribution, see the Creative Commons site for more information. If you like my assets consider supporting me on Patreon, the patrons allow me to continue producing asset packs

The pack contains the following.

 - 10 map border corners

 - 2 map border decorations

 - 11 different map border styles provided in a variety of lengths and in horizontal and vertical orientations

 - 2 map compasses

 - 2 flower decorations

 - 13 map labels

 - 1 map legend

 - 1 map portrait frame

 - 2 map shield decorations, both with transparent options to place your own heraldry within the shield frame

 - 3 vine sections

 - 1 "Assets by Minish Cartography" label

Isometric Assets No. 26, Map AccessoriesPrice: $4.00
 100 Ironsworn Waypoints
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 20:12:30 CDT
Publisher: Chaos Drake Press

This is a table of 100 locations for use with Ironsworn, the fabulous RPG by Tomkin Press available for free at

The locations can also be used for any Viking themed RPG. There might be some game mechanics that can be ignored. 

This is a guide. You may, of course, modify the locations as you wish. 

I hope you enjoy this supplement. 

This work is based on Ironsworn (found at www.ironsworn, created by Shawn Tomkin, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Cover Photograph by Sami Matias from Unsplash

100 Ironsworn WaypointsPrice: $2.00
 Dark Age: Legends - Solo Adventure - Keldara's Call
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 18:53:38 CDT
Publisher: Frontier Gaming


In this Solo Adventure you assume the role of an adventurer in a Medieval Fantasy setting. You will  require The Dark Age: Legends Core Rulebook (CRB), the Dark Age: Otherworld Expansion, and any associated Expansions you wish to use to assist you, along with a pen and paper or word-processing document, to play.

The story is set up with an Introduction, a handful of location details and a few pertinent Story Points. The rest is down to you and your imagination.

The Actions you take should depend on who and what you see, and how you wish to interact. Keep a record of your story and adapt it as per the result of each Action. As you progress you will see that you are behaving as your own Storyteller, creating the interactive world in which you are playing.

Use the Character Creation section of the CRB to create your Character and use the Storyteller section of the CRB to assist with generating NPCs.

Once you have familiarised yourself with the  following few pages, you are ready to begin.


When allowed to roll a Bonus Die, roll two of the same required Dice and choose the most beneficial result.


In the kingdom of Wessex lay the peaceful town of Keldara. This serene haven, once a vibrant place of trade and camaraderie, now groaned under the iron-fisted rule of the vengeful wizard Azru-Kai. His intent as dark as his sorcery, Azru-Kai had descended upon Keldara with a fury, driven by a vendetta against the liege-lord of Keldara and his faithful mercenaries who had thwarted his ambitions. The streets of Keldara, once filled with laughter and song, now echoed with the cries of the enslaved and the crack of the wizard's whip. Among the oppressed was Asahel, a former mercenary captain and the sole survivor of Azru-Kai's wrath. Stripped of his comrades and freedom, Asahel languished in a makeshift prison, his heart heavy with the weight of his fallen brethren. Yet within him, a flicker of resistance sparked, ready to forge a rebellion from the courage and resolve of the townsfolk, to overthrow the tyrant and reclaim their stolen freedom.

Dark Age: Legends - Solo Adventure - Keldara's CallPrice: $1.49
 Intérêts partagés
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 18:17:47 CDT
Publisher: Alex Fouache

Tout Maître du Jeu a toujours rêvé de jouer à sa table sans avoir à préparer ses séances pendant des heures, n'est-ce pas ? C'est exactement ce que propose ce scénario ! Écrit pour s'adapter à tous les systèmes de jeu, les joueurs novices comme aguerris vivront des aventures inoubliables !

Synopsis :

La curiosité est un vilain défaut, mais elle permet parfois d’être embarquées dans des histoires qui dépassent l’entendement. C’est ce que les joueurs découvrent après avoir écouté les rumeurs qui circulent sur un immeuble abandonné où des évènements peu clairs se produisent. Après avoir exploré l’endroit, les joueurs semblent avoir découvert la vérité : il s’agit d’un simple squat et il suffit de ne pas s’en approcher pour ne pas attirer les problèmes. Mais le mal était fait, sur la route du retour, ils se font attaquer par des mercenaires et remarquent qu’une enfant s’est introduite dans leur voiture.

Après l’avoir rassurée, les joueurs apprennent qu’elle s’est enfuie d’un laboratoire de recherche où elle était détenue. Mais cela ne s’arrête pas là, puisqu’ils sont rapidement contactés par Lina Beine, la mère de la fille, Pétunia, qui leur explique la situation : cette dernière est l’hôte de nombreux nanorobots capables de supprimer n’importe quelle addiction à la drogue. La femme demande aux joueurs de protéger sa fille et de mettre fin aux agissements de ce laboratoire, par tous les moyens.

Mais le groupe découvre que rien n’est jamais tout blanc ni tout noir quand ils se rendent compte que cette mère n’est pas si innocente dans toute cette histoire. Le destin de cette petite fille est entre leurs mains.

Intérêts partagésPrice: $3.95
 Shared Interests
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 18:17:47 CDT
Publisher: Alex Fouache

Every Game Master has dreamed of running a session without spending hours on preparation, right? That's exactly what this scenario offers! Designed to fit any game system, it promises unforgettable adventures for both novice and experienced players. 


Curiosity is a nasty flaw, but it sometimes leads to stories beyond comprehension. This is what players discover after listening to the rumors circulating about an abandoned building where unclear events occur. After exploring the place, players seem to have uncovered the truth: it’s just a simple squat, and it is enough to stay away from it to avoid problems. But the damage is done, on the way back, they are attacked by mercenaries and notice that a child has sneaked into their car.

After calming her down, players learn that she has escaped from a research lab where she was held. But it doesn’t end there, as they are quickly contacted by Lina Beine, the girl’s mother, Petunia, who explains the situation: the latter is the host of numerous nanorobots capable of eliminating any drug addiction. The woman asks players to protect her daughter and to stop the actions of this laboratory by any means necessary.

But the group discovers that nothing is ever black or white when they realize that this mother is not so innocent in this whole story. The fate of this little girl is in their hands.

Shared InterestsPrice: $3.95
 Festival Of Terror
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 17:02:12 CDT
Publisher: Chaosium

This year there will be no encore ...

It is August 2023 and the world-famous Edinburgh Festival is in full swing.

The city is full of colourful sights, weird & wonderful acts, and visitors can expect the unexpected at every turn!

... and it's the perfect cover for the depraved and debauched schemes of a madman.

Investigators are enjoying a show during the Festival when the finale proves to be much more horrifying -- and more final -- than anyone expected.

Soon they find themselves uncovering the details of a plot being enacted in and around the packed venues and streets of Scotland's capital city -- a plot that could end in the most tragic and terrifying way imaginable.

Can the investigators avert disaster before the curtain falls for the last time, or will they succumb to the earthly delights of the largest and most unpredictable arts festival in the world?

Festival Of Terror is a modern-day scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, suitable for 3-5 investigators and designed to be completed in two or three sessions of play.

In it you will find:

  • dangerous and depraved modern-day investigation set amidst a unique and unforgettable setting
  • Magic, mime, puppets, clowns ... and other terrifying sights of the Edinburgh Festival!
  • over 10 full-colour handouts and evocative imagery throughout
  • diverse cast of unique characters who the investigators may meet, including one potential replacement investigator (full stats provided)
  • Keeper notes and background information that help those running the scenario get the most out of it 
  • Six detailed maps of Edinburgh and the locations the investigators visit
  • full statistics for all non-player characters and creatures
  • separate handouts and maps file included in purchase
CONTENT WARNING: The scenario features themes of murder, suicide and abduction and is intended for mature players.

Festival of Terror is the sixrg scenario in The Edinburgh Files, a multi-scenario campaign set in Edinburgh in 1923 and 2023. Please click on my author name above to see the other scenarios in the collection.

Festival Of TerrorPrice: $3.99
 Stalwart Team Up #1
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 16:58:18 CDT
Publisher: Splintered Realms Publishing

Stalwart Team Up is two things in one no matter how you look at it! It is a prose adaptation of a comic book that doesn't exist - along with the solo RPG adventure that goes with it. This adds to and expands the world of Stalwart: The World's Niftiest Superhero RPG, introducing new characters while enriching and expanding the setting materials presented in the World of Stalwart and the Guide to Meridian. This resource includes new mechanics to enhance the solo play experience with role playing and character building elements.

In this introductory issue, Tipo Orro enters the ranks of earth's superheroes, joining Doc Stalwart on a two-fisted adventure. 

Stalwart Team Up #1Price: $1.00
 Oblivion's Cry
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 15:57:14 CDT
Publisher: Rarr! I'm A Monster Publishing

In the wake of a cataclysmic war between Heaven and Hell, Earth has been transformed into a desolate expanse of shattered dreams and unrelenting darkness. The sky, forever scarred by celestial and infernal conflict, casts an eerie pall over the remnants of civilization. The landscape is a grotesque symphony of ruin, where ancient fears and newfound horrors coexist in a fragile dance of survival.

Oblivion’s Cry invites you to journey through this ravaged world as a lone survivor, grappling with the aftermath of cosmic warfare. The rules of this solo journaling game guide you through the wreckage, as you document your encounters, confront insidious threats, and uncover fleeting glimpses of hope amidst the pervasive despair.

With only a journal, a deck of cards, and a six-sided die as your companions, you’ll navigate the chaos of a world undone. Draw cards to reveal eerie encounters and dire challenges, and roll the die to uncover the haunting reality of each night. Your choices shape the remnants of civilization and your own path through the shattered remnants of humanity.

Will you forge a path through the darkness, uncovering the hidden truths that lie buried beneath the ruins? Or will the relentless forces of Heaven and Hell consume you in their destructive dance, leaving you as another forgotten whisper in the void?

Oblivion's CryPrice: $3.00
 5e referencia de acciones en combate (cheat sheet) en español)
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 15:48:45 CDT
Publisher: Jojo rol español

Referencia de acciones en combate para 5e en español, con las acciones principales del manual del jugador y breves explicaciones de algunas de las acciones opcionales del manual del dungeon master, ideal para nuevos jugadores.

5e referencia de acciones en combate (cheat sheet) en español)Price: $1.00
 Way of Death
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 15:48:09 CDT
Publisher: Homebrew Heathen

Trained for years in their monasteries to be killers, poisoners, and dealers of the Dark Arts, Way of Death monks are part monk, part necromancer, and part assassin. Agents of the Reaper. Grab one now for your 5e campaign and be the killing machine you've always wanted to be!

Way of DeathPrice: $2.00
 Wasteland Escorts (One Page RPG)
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 15:47:17 CDT
Publisher: Zerotheory Games

The Mega Cities house millions within their encompassing domes. The contaminated outside air is is filtered. Life within these cities is strictly controlled and regulated. Don't like it? You're free to try your luck in the Wastes.

You get a weapon, set of armor and a ride. Now go get a job!

Wasteland Escorts (One Page RPG)Price: $0.99
 The Dwagon's Wair
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 15:45:52 CDT
Publisher: Kevin Helock

A rash of midnight robberies has plagued the mountainside village of Cragbrook, and now the burglars have taken their first live victim–the beloved sheep Mr. Ramsey! With his ovine life potentially on the line, it's up to our intrepid adventurers to track down his sheep-nappers and bring him home safe. But be warned! Not all is as it seems.

The Dwagon's Wair is a lighthearted one-shot adventure for D&D 5e featuring whimsical character art, battle maps, and an all new monster stat block for the eponymous "dwagon!"

The Dwagon's WairPrice: $5.00