This site features resources for the tabletop roleplaying game crowd, designed to work on any device. Bookmark this site as a handy, cell-phone friendly GM toolbox.
Tools features useful random game information generators. Names will take you to a variety of person, place, item, and event name generators. Archives links to useful RPG-related articles. Games accesses information for my various campaigns. News brings in RPG news from multiple sources. Dogs is a section for my pets and other miscellaneous info.
For additional gaming resources, check out the Dinky Dungeons fan site.
Today's featured gaming tool: Event and Holiday Name Generator
Gaming Tips
Tips for Players
Be loyal to your companions. One day, they'll be the only thing standing between you and certain doom.
Tips for GameMasters
Move the Spotlight - Give every character a chance to prove themselves by making them the focus of a subplot. A good way to do this is to bring up a disadvantage, a contact, or something dark from their background. Not only will they get an emotional kick, they'll have a chance to earn bonus XP. They'll also come to appreciate the extra work and stress endured by a party leader.
From the RPG Glossary...
"Tetsuo, you bonehead!" - Exclamation used to accuse someone of stupidity; quoting "Akira".
Gaming Humor
When I Am the Evil Overlord...
My main computers will have their own special operating system that will be completely incompatible with standard IBM and Macintosh PowerBooks.
You Might Be A Gamer If...
You've ever designed your own character sheets.
Gamer To Avoid
The Combat-Monger - He couldn't care less about the story, and doesn't pay attention until the fighting begins.
Things I Learned While Gaming
I'm not allowed to berserk for the hell of it, especially during royal masquerades.
Site News
- 6/10/2018 - The site is being upraded. Thank you for your patience.
- 11/20/2017 - We have a new dog!
- 2/19/2017 - The Strange and Mysterious Event Generator has been upgraded.
- 8/3/2016 - Site graphics have been redesigned.
- 10/19/2015 - Site now has a responsive design and is media device friendly.
- 8/10/2015 - Fantasy band name generator added to Tools.
- 6/2/2015 - Event and holiday name generator added to Tools.
- 10/17/2014 - New ABC songs added to Kiralynn's Music.
- 2/28/2014 - Epic weapon name generator added to Tools.
- 3/15/2013 - Dog name generator added to Tools.
- 1/15/2013 - Moved the site to a new web host.
- 8/9/2012 - New ABC songs added to Kiralynn's Music.
- 5/20/2012 - Updated Spells for the Lands of Xina.
- 3/7/2012 - Added a Village Name Generator to Tools.
- 2/16/2012 - Updated the Fantasy horse name generator.
- 12/9/2011 - Added a web page for Talos (Caesar), our new dog.
- 10/26/2011 - List of fantasy horse names has expanded.
- 10/7/2011 - The main menu options have been reorganized.
- 9/3/2011 - New songs added to the Kiralynn's Music ABC collection.
- 7/15/2011 - Werewolf name generator added to Tools.
- 6/12/2011 - Latest News RSS feeds updated.
- 5/12/2011 - ABC Music section added for LotRO.
- 4/7/2011 - Guild name generator added to Tools.
- 3/3/2011 - Magic item and powerstone creation tools added for Lands of Xina.
- 2/9/2011 - Newspaper name generator added to Tools.
- 12/20/2010 - A Fantasy horse name generator added to Tools.
- 11/3/2010 - Updated spells, skills, and enchanting guide for Lands of Xina.
- 10/18/2010 - Updated Armor in Lands of Xina equipment.
- 9/20/2010 - Added poisons to Narcotics in Lands of Xina equipment.
- 9/15/2010 - Updated Lodging in Lands of Xina equipment.
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