Roll 3d6 - Roleplaying Resources


This site features resources for the tabletop roleplaying game crowd, designed to work on any device. Bookmark this site as a handy, cell-phone friendly GM toolbox.

Tools features useful random game information generators. Names will take you to a variety of person, place, item, and event name generators. Archives links to useful RPG-related articles. Games accesses information for my various campaigns. News brings in RPG news from multiple sources. Dogs is a section for my pets and other miscellaneous info.

For additional gaming resources, check out the Dinky Dungeons fan site.

Today's featured gaming tool: Roleplaying Games Glossary

Gaming Tips

Tips for Players
Try to up with a brilliant idea or plan to help your companions succeed. Don't always rely on the "brains" of the party.

Tips for GameMasters
Don't Break Them - Remember that the characters are simulations of real people. Don't be sadistic and push them too far. Prolonged exposure to horror, pain, fear, torture, or misery will break anyone.

From the RPG Glossary...
Deus-Ex GMing - Describes the GM arbitrarily defeating or thwarting the players by spontaneously inventing a story element that they could not have anticipated.

Gaming Humor

When I Am the Evil Overlord...
I will instruct my Legions of Terror to attack the hero en masse, instead of standing around waiting while members break off and attack one or two at a time.

You Might Be A Gamer If...
You've written character histories that are longer than most novels.

Gamer To Avoid
The Joker - His sense of humor comes up at inappropriate times, or isn't considered funny by others. He destroys the mood of a scene by cracking jokes or making off-color comments, either IC or OOC.

Things I Learned While Gaming
My bard does not get a bonus to perform if she's obviously not wearing anything under her tabard.

Site News

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