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 Weekly Questions Thread
Posted: 2024-04-22T13:01:46+00:00
Author: /u/AutoModerator

Thread Rules

  • New to Reddit? Check the Reddit 101 guide.
  • If your account is less than 5 hours old, the /r/DnD spam dragon will eat your comment.
  • If you are new to the subreddit, please check the Subreddit Wiki, especially the Resource Guides section, the FAQ, and the Glossary of Terms. Many newcomers to the game and to r/DnD can find answers there. Note that these links may not work on mobile apps, so you may need to briefly browse the subreddit directly through
  • Specify an edition for ALL questions. Editions must be specified in square brackets ([5e], [Any], [meta], etc.). If you don't know what edition you are playing, use [?] and people will do their best to help out. AutoModerator will automatically remind you if you forget.
  • If you have multiple questions unrelated to each other, post multiple comments so that the discussions are easier to follow, and so that you will get better answers.
– submitted by – /u/AutoModerator
 "Why can't I post a picture/link?" Thursdays are Text-post Only days on /r/DnD!
Posted: 2021-11-18T05:16:12+00:00
Author: /u/Iamfivebears

Ah, travelers! We don't get many such as you in these parts, not since the Marquis' men took control of the pass. I suppose you're wondering why you can't post images or links on this Fifthday?

Thursdays are Text-post Only Days on /r/DnD. We're disabling picture and link posts for 24 hours to encourage discussion posts.

We originally began this trial about six months ago and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I've personally enjoyed a lot of the conversations that have sprung up on these days (and a smarter mod would have bookmarked some of them to use as examples* in this post).

As of now we're planning on keeping the experiment running indefinitely. We're always looking for feedback, so please let us know of your experience. Have you been enamored with a discussion post that arose one Thursday? Have you mourned having to wait one more day to see your comic update? We welcome all takes.

The switch is still happening manually, so it will happen around about midnight Eastern US time. If anyone is aware of a way to automate the process, please message the mods.

Perhaps you could discuss this...we've heard tale of a path through the eastern ridge. If such a trail exists we could circumvent the Marquis' blockade and supply this rebellion. Won't you help us, strangers!?

* The first Thursday after making this post, someone posts the most classic question imaginable. This is what it's all about.

– submitted by – /u/Iamfivebears
 I was lied to as a DM by one of my players
Posted: 2024-04-25T18:28:56+00:00
Author: /u/-_Levi_

Hey yall, I am experiencing a slight issue as a DM. One of my players asked if they could have a pet as a familiar and assured me they just wanted the pet for RP reasons and just for fun.

Which cool, I can do that, I enabled that to happen and they stumbled upon a scroll to summon a familiar, and with that they got their pet!

A few sessions past, and now they're actually using the familiar for it's utility reasons.

I'm not exactly sure what to do. I don't want to just take it away because that's rude but I was lied to ya know?

Let me know what yall think! Thanks!

– submitted by – /u/-_Levi_
 What is the worst dming advice you have ever heard
Posted: 2024-04-25T15:24:34+00:00
Author: /u/Available-Set-7163
– submitted by – /u/Available-Set-7163
 What are some pirate themed subclasses??
Posted: 2024-04-25T14:40:02+00:00
Author: /u/LuckyKyoli

Aside from the very obvious few like swashbuckler rogue, storm tempest cleric, fathomless warlock what are other subclasses that could thematically work in a pirate setting?

My DM sets his world similar to the pirates of the caribbean and I was just wondering what other angles I could apporach my character creation. Any suggestions would be greatly helpful for my mind block

– submitted by – /u/LuckyKyoli
 What are some races you really like that no one plays?
Posted: 2024-04-25T10:26:44+00:00
Author: /u/geosunsetmoth

Grungs, Centaurs and Verdans for me. Grungs and Verdans especially, it seems like most people don’t even know Verdans are in the game or are under the misconception that they are homebrew third party content like critical role. Grungs are also really cool! Some of the most fun racial features

– submitted by – /u/geosunsetmoth
 Very Slow Leveling?
Posted: 2024-04-25T13:43:26+00:00
Author: /u/abyssshriek

I have been in a campaign for 2 years at this point and we're only level 4. This is the longest campaign I've been a part of, and only my third ever (and the only one to have more then like, 6 sessions). We play once a week pretty consistently for 3-4 hours at a time. The DM is saying that it is milestone based but it feels exceptionally slow leveling.

IDK I just want some perspective because it gets really stale to not gain anything new for like 6 months at a time. Or is this normal and I just don't know how it works?

– submitted by – /u/abyssshriek
 Bear Totem Barbarian and Heavy Armor
Posted: 2024-04-25T11:31:24+00:00
Author: /u/smcadam

Got a Dwarf Barbarian Fighter in my game who I may have mistakenly allowed to get Heavy Armor.

The rules were a little too minute to sort in the session, so going to lay them out here, and see if I'm understanding correctly.

-He is proficient in Heavy Armor and has the strength to wear it.

-Rage says you "get these benefits if you aren't wearing heavy armor", it doesn't say that you can't Rage in Heavy Armor.

-Bear Totem says that while raging, get resistance to all but psychic damage. It doesn't specify anything about armor.

So, if I'm reading this right, he can Rage while Heavy Armored and gain only the Resistance ability. He doesn't get the bonus damage or strength advantage features while doing so.

If he was in light or medium or unarmored, he'd get the Resistance, Bonus Damage, and Strength Advantage.

– submitted by – /u/smcadam
 Moments where you just had to allow due to “rule of cool”
Posted: 2024-04-25T13:34:51+00:00
Author: /u/Exotic-Path565

My party consisting of a fighter, a paladin, and a Druid was preparing to face a vampire, so they were going through the spell preparing and double checking their inventory. The paladin and Druid came up with an idea, “the spell create water uses water as a component but we don’t ever use components since we have a spell focus, but what if the paladin uses our water skin, to create holy water, and then we use holy water as the component, could we make it rain holy rain?” Now I know that’s not raw, but that’s exactly what happened in my game. What are some moments that you just had to allow due to it just being to cool or a good idea?

– submitted by – /u/Exotic-Path565
 The humanization of Orcs and the loss of their distinct design
Posted: 2024-04-24T21:59:21+00:00
Author: /u/Realistic_Swan_6801

Is anyone else annoyed by this? I mean the literal “let’s make them look more human art style trend?” If you want orcs to be complexe characters with goals and motivations fine, good, but you don’t need to make them pretty to do so. D&D orcs are ugly, and not human looking at all. That’s ok, you don’t have to look human or pretty to be a sentient being. These aren’t blizzard orcs or Skyrim orcs (technically they’re supposed to usually be grey not green anyway). Like this or more photo realistic this\_SL500\_.jpg

Beauty doesn’t equal goodness, don’t make them look human to humanize them, they can look like pig gorillas and still be sympathetic creatures with thoughts and feelings and whatever you want. But let’s not loose that distinct D&D Orc design. Remember ORC’s in D&D are gray by default NOT green. Ughh. Rant etc. thoughts?

– submitted by – /u/Realistic_Swan_6801
 What are everyone's thoughts on Grung?
Posted: 2024-04-25T13:00:08+00:00
Author: /u/NotCorruptPolitician

From what I can tell they're basically a mideval feudal society based around slavery and run by tiny frog people. Personally I love the idea of these tiny pompous frog people and am currently creating a hunter enclave ranger Grung based off of mideval English longbowmen (thinking of going with Spanish conquistador instead). I'd love to get everyone's thoughts on these guys.

– submitted by – /u/NotCorruptPolitician
 [OC] I made an app that lets you make custom items for your group. (Thank you, Reddit!)
Posted: 2024-04-25T03:14:27+00:00
Author: /u/TheCalamus
– submitted by – /u/TheCalamus