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 Weekly Questions Thread
Posted: 2024-10-14T13:02:19+00:00
Author: /u/AutoModerator

## Thread Rules

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* If your account is less than 5 hours old, the /r/DnD spam dragon will eat your comment.

* If you are new to the subreddit, **please check the Subreddit Wiki**, especially the Resource Guides section, the FAQ, and the Glossary of Terms. Many newcomers to the game and to r/DnD can find answers there. Note that these links may not work on mobile apps, so you may need to briefly browse the subreddit directly through

* **Specify an edition for ALL questions**. Editions must be specified in square brackets ([5e], [Any], [meta], etc.). If you don't know what edition you are playing, use [?] and people will do their best to help out. AutoModerator will automatically remind you if you forget.

* **If you have multiple questions unrelated to each other, post multiple comments** so that the discussions are easier to follow, and so that you will get better answers.

– submitted by – /u/AutoModerator
 "Why can't I post a picture/link?" Thursdays are Text-post Only days on /r/DnD!
Posted: 2021-11-18T05:16:12+00:00
Author: /u/Iamfivebears

Ah, travelers! We don't get many such as you in these parts, not since the Marquis' men took control of the pass. I suppose you're wondering why you can't post images or links on this Fifthday?

Thursdays are Text-post Only Days on /r/DnD. We're disabling picture and link posts for 24 hours to encourage discussion posts.

We originally began this trial about six months ago and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I've personally enjoyed a lot of the conversations that have sprung up on these days (and a smarter mod would have bookmarked some of them to use as examples* in this post).

As of now we're planning on keeping the experiment running indefinitely. We're always looking for feedback, so please let us know of your experience. Have you been enamored with a discussion post that arose one Thursday? Have you mourned having to wait one more day to see your comic update? We welcome all takes.

The switch is still happening manually, so it will happen around about midnight Eastern US time. If anyone is aware of a way to automate the process, please message the mods.

Perhaps you could discuss this...we've heard tale of a path through the eastern ridge. If such a trail exists we could circumvent the Marquis' blockade and supply this rebellion. Won't you help us, strangers!?

* The first Thursday after making this post, someone posts the most classic question imaginable. This is what it's all about.

– submitted by – /u/Iamfivebears
 I made my players have beef with a teenager and it’s the funniest thing ever.
Posted: 2024-10-17T22:45:55+00:00
Author: /u/Smegoldidnothinwrong

All my players made characters in their late 20s-40s (we are mid 20s irl) and so i made the big bad villain a 19 year old rich boy and it’s literally the best thing I’ve ever done. One of my players was a fishmonger and so to introduce this villain i had him ride in on a armored horse and I looked at the player irl and told her “you’re not well versed in armor and yet you can still tell that the white gold suit his horse is wearing costs more than you make in a year” i also had him execute a minor Npc who helped then earlier and my players have literally never hated anyone more it’s perfect. Any time he does something weird and they’re like “why would he do that” i say “well he is 19 maybe it’s just teenage angst the poor boy” and they get so mad one of my players even stopped after session and said “if you try to make him sympathetic I’m going to be so angry”

Edit: everyone is saying “jeoffrey!” but my dude is actually quite competent and is the mastermind behind some complex political maneuvering he’s just also a teenage asshole. Im going for a kind of less sophisticated and more childish Griffith! Lol

– submitted by – /u/Smegoldidnothinwrong
 Should I be Offended?
Posted: 2024-10-18T01:31:39+00:00
Author: /u/ForeverCardboard

I've been playing in this campaign for three months now.There were originally five of us playing and the DM but one player(a Druid) had to drop out of the campaign because of family reasons. Two weeks ago the DM got another of her friends to join us (a Bard)
We are approaching the end of campaign apparently, and to celebrate this, one of the players (a Warlock) announced that they got an art commission done to celebrate. Yesterday, they unveiled the commission after our session. It was a group shot of all our characters, as well as several NPCs, as if they were posing for a group selfie. I initially thought it looked nice. They Druid was there, the Bard was even in it, the Warlock was at the center taking the shot. Then I noticed something.

My character wasn't in the shot. when I asked about that they simply shrugged, "Oh, must have forgotten" and moved on. I didn't know what to say and everyone else(DM included) was so excited to see it that they said nothing so I just dropped it.

I'm trying not to make a big deal out of this but its been bothering me all day. Has anyone else experienced something like this? How do you even go about approaching a situation like this?

– submitted by – /u/ForeverCardboard
 Solutions to Horny Bard players?
Posted: 2024-10-17T12:57:10+00:00
Author: /u/KatanaMo17

So, recently a good buddy of mine joined my campaign, playing a bard for the first time. However, because he’s my buddy, he has decided to mess with me (the DM) because it’s my first time DMing and play the highly horny bard.

To clarify, I’m not mad at him for this or out for vengeance, but I am looking to mess with him and show him that I’m still the DM. Right now, I just finished our last session with him spotting a sexy Tiefling rogue, who I plan to have rob him if he sleeps with her. However, this guy is resilient (and stupid) enough that I know I will need more.

So now I ask- what’s your funny solution to this horny heathen? I’m not looking to make him miserable or kill him or even punish him, just some great ways to mess with him and show him who’s boss.

TLDR: How to deal with a horny bard in a funny way?

Edit: A lot of you are saying to just talk to him like an adult/shut it down now. I want to point out that I can and will if I must. I trust this person well enough that I know if I talk to them they will stop if I ask. I’m mostly looking for “prank” vibe ideas more than solutions. Thanks!

– submitted by – /u/KatanaMo17
 DnD Players of Reddit, what’s your go to class and why?
Posted: 2024-10-18T01:39:02+00:00
Author: /u/Previous_Gene_5699

I personally am a fighter main, although I do enjoy being a necromancer now and again

– submitted by – /u/Previous_Gene_5699
 When to stop being the "fun" DM and start following the rules.
Posted: 2024-10-17T20:18:40+00:00
Author: /u/OfDiceandWren

I started a d&d group with some coworkers to try and make some friends. I heard some of them liked d&d and a couple might be interested, so i put myself out there and offered to DM. I started out being lose with my rules such as letting people do acrobatic Matrix type moves to add to the action if they just beat me in a roll. I also had a funny OP artifact for a warriors charisma that he could use on the ladies. Our sessions are hilarious and fun but i want to start reigning it in and become more technical as we lvl up without losing them or the fun they expect. Any ideas?

– submitted by – /u/OfDiceandWren
 Am I too strict a DM or do I have a problem player?
Posted: 2024-10-17T16:14:16+00:00
Author: /u/bonkersbazonkas

Hi! This is a throwaway account and I'm reposting because last time I posted, it got removed because my account was too new.

I'm a DM and I was unsure about one of my players. I wanted to send the info here to see what you other DMs would do in this situation.

To start, we need some background information. Player, 26f, has been at my tables for a long time. She's not a newbie and is very familiar with how 5e is run. My tables are typically 4 to 6 players, and are pen and paper. We don't use DnD beyond for character sheets, and are pretty much all traditional. My players are responsible for bringing their own character sheets, so if they don't bring it, it's on them. I am a Rules as Written DM, so while flavor is allowed and encouraged, it won't change the mechanics of the game. (You can flavor it all you want, but the lightning-flavored fireball is still gonna do fire damage.)

Last campaign, Player, again 26f was starting to try and mold her modifiers for her benefit, in addition to asking for advantages for features that don't give advantage. For example, she'd roll a survival check with expertise instead of simple proficiency and I wouldn't catch it, or she'd say "Shouldn't I get advantage on my attack because of cover?". Now, this all sounds pretty innocuous if it was a one time thing, but every time she'd ask, I'd tell her no, as that's not what the rules describe. And, it started out small, but this repeated requests and bending of the dice for a benefit grew to be prompted at almost every encounter I threw at her, both inside of combat and outside of it. At first, I attributed it to simple misinterpretation, but as the behavior grew, I had realized that, 1: the 'misinterpretation' only ever applied to her own character. She wouldn't try to suggest these modifiers or bonuses for other characters' actions, and 2: the 'misinterpretations' always, ALWAYS benefitted her character somehow.

It got to the point where it was seriously frustrating me and slowing down the sessions, and I had repeatedly asked her inside of sessions and outside of sessions to stop prompting me for advantages and bonuses. At a certain point, my other players began to notice and get frustrated as well, and by the end of it all, I had to tell her to stop or she'd leave my table.

In the end, with the threat of being kicked from my game, she did end up stopping, and for the most part hasn't asked for advantages or bonuses outside of occasionally trying to correct me when asking for a check. Ex: "Can I just get a regular strength check?" "Don't you mean athletics?" "No, I asked for a strength check." And while this behavior has stopped, I do think it's an important precursor to what's going on now.

So, to start, we recently started a new campaign, which is a carryover from our last one. Though many of the characters carried over, Player, and another member of my table, their characters died, so they needs to make new ones. All this is to say that since we only needed 2 new characters, I didnt host an entire session 0 for them, we just talked in a call and I made sure they both had the proper amount of feats, features, and spells for their level. Player ended up making a Warlock. Everything checked out, and so we went on our way.

Cut to our last session, 2 weeks ago. To start, I play using Tasha's cauldron, and she wants to use an invocation during the session, so I ask her which invocation she's using and how she plans to carry out the usage mechanically. After a good amount of hesitation from her and prodding from me, she describes to me the invocation and what she wants to do, and since she doesn't have the descriptions of her invocations written down in her sheet, this meant I had to go digging through my copy of Tasha's Cauldron to track down the actual mechanics. Of course, this took a bit of time, but otherwise, after this incident, the session went on as normal and we ended the day on a fairly normal note.

Later that night, I reached out to her and asked her to send me what her Eldritch Invocations were, as me having to spend time during the session looking up the descriptions slowed down the session progress, and I wanted to go forward making our sessions as smooth and efficient as possible. She said she'd get them to me, and that was that, until a few days later, when I checked, and she still hadn't sent them to me.

I reached out again, asking for the invocations, since I knew she chose some from Tasha's, which I'm not as familiar with as the ones from the PHB. She again said she'd get them to me, but again, the request was not fulfilled, and she was ignoring it. (I could tell she was ignoring it because she was online, not at work, and playing games.)

A few days ago, I'm somewhat frustrated at this point, and reach out again, asking once more for the invocations. She tells me she doesn't know why I need them 'so badly' and why don't I just trust her with them, when I never made it about trust to begin with, and I explained to her in the beginning why I wanted them. She eventually gets them to me, accompanied with a good amount of bellyaching, but in the end, that was that.

Now, I don't want to be biased towards her, but the avoidance in letting me know the basic class features she chose is cause for concern, and paired with her history of bending modifiers to benefit her, it makes me concerned with her behavior going forwards, and how I'm supposed to approach her about this most recent issue without sounding like a jerk. If I wanted to be super conspiratorial, it makes me think she was going to keep her character sheet info from me so that she would be able to change her invocations without me knowing, to give her character an edge, but I feel like I sound definitely crazy when thinking that, and feel like I'm jumping to conclusions.

Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to ignorance, right?

What do you guys think, and do you have any advice?

Edit 1: I appreciate everyone's input and continued opinions on the matter. Obviously there's quite a bit of nuance to the situations. Some of you say that what she did was cheating, some of you tell me to lay off, which I can definitely see both sides. I think I've come to this conclusion, though. The first problem I had with her, the fudging of rolls, was cheating. The second problem I had with her, the lack of getting me her character sheet info, isn't a problem at all. And, the only reason I was concerned about it was because my judgement was clouded by my lack of trust in Player, because of the cheating she's done in the past. And, to clarify, the paranoia about the character sheet stuff isn't something I expect of her, but rather something I wouldn't put above her.

I think that going forward, I'm going to ease on the side of caution, like many of you suggest. Her behavior in game isn't cause for any concern as of right now, aside from the tone she has when correcting me sometimes. She's not doing anything wrong atm, but if I do catch her cheating again, she's out.

Like I said, I'm grateful for everyone's input. (Except the user that insinuated I seek therapy because of my and my players disagreements. To imply a stranger who you don't know online needs therapy because they are concerned about dnd is an absolutely bananas reading of the situation. LOL!)

Thank you, everyone for your advice!

– submitted by – /u/bonkersbazonkas
 I love my GM. To all the GMs who are giving A LOT than bare minimum, thank you.
Posted: 2024-10-17T20:41:29+00:00
Author: /u/swkgoes6id

So we started to another campaign with my friend group. We made our characters so fucking well-thinked, and our GM absolutely cooks with anything he has. The group dynamics feel so good, session 0 was amazing and today was SO GOOD.

I'm playing a fighter harengon with a subclass my GM made for me. He helps all of us, experienced or not, trying to give us THE GAME. I love my group. It was kind of a dream...

– submitted by – /u/swkgoes6id
 A level 20 bard needs help from a party of level 3's, but what for? Stupid ideas welcomed.
Posted: 2024-10-18T04:34:20+00:00
Author: /u/DietyBeta

It can make serious or stupid. I don't care. The stupider the better though. I just want them to meet this bard, but in a way that the bard needs their help.

– submitted by – /u/DietyBeta
 I played my first game of DND at the start of this week....
Posted: 2024-10-17T22:12:31+00:00
Author: /u/ADDgirl64

and it was so much fun!!!

One of my friends made one based on dragon age, and its just so much fun?? I'm playing an elf who's a hidden apostate.

I used to be so scared of trying to play dnd, because A) i didn't think i'd do good with the improve, but apparently i'm pretty decent when I have people to bounce off of, and B) I was scared of the math because i always heard it was so number heavy.

But this wasn't! and my friends didn't mind my questions about certain things like what things i oculd use, or what i need to do for certain checks!

Honestly I think i'll have to play more!


– submitted by – /u/ADDgirl64
 Am I a bad dm or is it just my players
Posted: 2024-10-18T02:26:04+00:00
Author: /u/no_dizzly

Ok so I'm struggling with my players and I'm starting to think I might be bad at dming so every time I try to make the bbg or an enemy talk to them that either adds world lore, player character development, backstory/motive for the bbg, or even just small bits of dialog for rollplay my players tone out, hop on their phone and blast videos or for longer monologs just straight up leave the room idk if I just suck at dming or it's just my players please help me out or tell me how to improve

– submitted by – /u/no_dizzly