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 Weekly Free Chat - 07/20/24
Posted: 2024-07-20T11:00:35+00:00
Author: /u/AutoModerator

**Come here and talk about anything!**

This post will stay stickied for (at least) the week-end. Please enjoy this space where you can talk about anything: your last game, your current project, your patreon, etc. You can even talk about video games, ask for a group, or post a survey or share a new meme you've just found. This is the place for small talk on /r/rpg.

The off-topic rules may not apply here, but the other rules still do. This is less the Wild West and more the Mild West. Don't be a jerk.


This submission is generated automatically each Saturday at 00:00 UTC.

– submitted by – /u/AutoModerator
 WotC Removes Digital Content Team Credits From D&D Beyond
Posted: 2024-07-26T18:26:16+00:00
Author: /u/jsled

From ENWorld: WotC Removes Digital Content Team Credits From D&D Beyond

At some point recently, those credits pages have been edited to remove the credits for me and the content team. Nobody reached out to let me know - it just happened at some point, and I only just noticed.

We've even been removed from the digital-only releases, that only released on D&D Beyond, such as the Spelljammer Academy drops.

I'm not angry or upset, just yet again, really disappointed, as somehow I expected better.

– submitted by – /u/jsled
 Best art in TTRPG book?
Posted: 2024-07-26T18:35:53+00:00
Author: /u/LeMarquisdeJonquiere

With the new 5.5 PHB book and the new art dump through DD Beyond YT channel, I was asking myself what TTRPG book has the best art for you? By best I kind of mean evocative art but I am obviously aware that beauty is subjective by its nature.

To me some TTRPGs which have the best Art:

  • The One Ring 2nd ed
  • Dolmenwood
  • D&D 4th Ed
  • Forbidden Lands
  • Vaesen
  • Into the Bastionland

Yeah I'm a sucker for FL games.

– submitted by – /u/LeMarquisdeJonquiere
 Hey look, the World's Largest Dungeon is coming back
Posted: 2024-07-26T23:51:35+00:00
Author: /u/DiceInAFire

It doesn't seem right to my brain that it's been 20 years but I was intrigued to see that the World's Largest Dungeon is coming back in a new, updated edition.

I can't make Gen Con this year, but it looks like they're giving away a sick mini at their booth.

– submitted by – /u/DiceInAFire
 Why we built Samwise, a new multi-platform VTT + Promo Code + AMA
Posted: 2024-07-26T23:35:53+00:00
Author: /u/luccasclezar

Hello everyone! I'm one of the developers behind Samwise (, a new virtual tabletop that we built to address some problems we see in other VTTs, such as their mobile apps (when they exist) having way less features than their desktop/web counterparts and their interfaces being usually outdated and cluttered.

These problems were both fun and challenging to tackle! Here's a little breakdown of what we did:

  1. Samwise can be used for both online and in-person games, on any device. Mobile platforms offer the same features as desktop/web, so players can just bring their phones to the GM's place and even GMs can run a game from anywhere.
  2. Knowing VTTs are complex tools, one of our key goals was making Samwise as intuitive and accessible as possible.
  3. A VTT should be blazing fast so it doesn't disrupt the user experience. Samwise is available on all major platforms: natively for Android, iOS and macOS, and the web app is well optimized to run smoothly on Windows/Linux.

Now, talking about pricing: it's free for players, while Game Masters get a free month to try it out, then it's $3 per month or $24 per year (4 months free).

We'd love to hear your thoughts, and if you have any questions feel free to ask them here! We also have a Discord server and a subreddit (although our Discord server is way more active), feel free to join us there too!

And as promised, if you enjoy Samwise, use the code REDDIT20 until September 26th on the web app for 20% off the annual plan!


Discord Server:


– submitted by – /u/luccasclezar
 Folks who consistently play RPGs: how? What are your tips for finding people to play with, consistently and happily? Especially interested in hearing from people who have had the same gaming groups for a long period of time
Posted: 2024-07-26T14:37:41+00:00
Author: /u/ProustianPrimate

Whether you're a GM or a player, I want to know how you sustain your gaming groups. What are your tips for overcoming the perils of adult scheduling? Any social nuances you keep in mind?

– submitted by – /u/ProustianPrimate
 Player wants something “sci-fi”
Posted: 2024-07-26T22:32:06+00:00
Author: /u/Tithron5

Coming from D&D and Pathfinder. Have never really looked much into sci-fi TTRPGs. Broad strokes, what are the big ones? And what are the big differences between them?

– submitted by – /u/Tithron5
 For anyone who has played ICON's v1.5 (especially the Narrative Mode), how does it fare?
Posted: 2024-07-27T03:40:23+00:00
Author: /u/ThatOneCrazyWritter

I discovered Lancer around 3-4 years ago, and around the same time saw that one of the creator was making a Fantasy game called ICON that immediately caught my attention. Unfortunately at the time, I hadn't yet started playing RPGs, since I didn't had enough friends to commit to a consistent gaming sessions.

Nowadays, not only I have a group to play RPGs every week when possible, but ICON also had a lot of uptades, with more refined rules and extra content.

I imagine at least a few people have played the current version, so I'm curious on if its worth to at least give it a try, especially the Narrative Mode of the game, since my group (me included) is stil a bit resistant to try the Tactical Mode of the game (we are already play in a full campaing with a decently crunchy system), but I do plan to introduce it in the future if we end up liking the game.

– submitted by – /u/ThatOneCrazyWritter
 [Superhero] What system would you use to run a game set in the Young Justice (tv) ‘verse of DC comics?
Posted: 2024-07-27T04:52:29+00:00
Author: /u/ArctisUther

I know there are a LOT of superhero systems out there, I’d love some suggestions from those more familiar than me.

– submitted by – /u/ArctisUther
 Medieval Dark Fantasy RPG similar to The Witcher and Elric of Melnibone with good settings and lore?
Posted: 2024-07-27T00:46:50+00:00
Author: /u/MagpieTower

I'm looking for something with the mood and tone of Elric of Melnibone and The Witcher with a non-historical fantasy but still strongly medieval and sword & sorcery genre. Despite Elric and Geralt being similar and having white hair, it's the setting I'm going for. Something completely original. Symbaroum came pretty darn close and I do like it, but the setting in it is very small. I'm aware of The Witcher Paper and Pen RPG and the extincted Stormbringer and Elric RPG books. It would be nice if there's one similar to RuneQuest's Glorantha with years worth of contents and history, but it's bronze age fantasy, not like Elric/Witcher. I got gold coins here to buy something, so sell me on a good book!

– submitted by – /u/MagpieTower
 One Unique Thing vs. Strange Yet Not Too Uncommon Thing
Posted: 2024-07-26T17:35:37+00:00
Author: /u/EarthSeraphEdna

Earlier, I saw a trailer for a certain video game character with the profession of "sword hunter." She seeks out and destroys cursed, often intelligent swords. I found it to be flavorful worldbuilding because it implied that cursed swords are sufficiently common and society-threatening that there are people specifically trained to address such supernatural dangers.

In the 13th Age RPG, each PC has "One Unique Thing," a unique backstory element that makes them a spectacular oddity unlike anyone else in the game world. I am wondering, though, if the opposite might be just as interesting: a "Strange Yet Not Too Uncommon Thing." If the setting and the campaign are open to player contributions, then someone can pitch a backstory like "Before setting off for the adventuring life, my character was the village's local angel-harvester: someone trained to scavenge the organs of dead celestials fallen from the sky" or "My character left the Imperial Corps of Heliobehemoth Hunters," adding something cool to the game world.

Sometimes, what distinguishes a fictional setting is not what the characters find novel or bizarre, but rather, what the characters consider normal.

What do you personally think about allowing each PC to have a "Strange Yet Not Too Uncommon Thing"?

– submitted by – /u/EarthSeraphEdna
 Soloable Early-20th-Century Campaigns? NOT HORROR.
Posted: 2024-07-27T03:00:22+00:00
Author: /u/Ananiujitha

I'm not sure how to find these on DrivethruRPG, to focus on the right period and genres. If I search "historical," it limits it to boardgames and card games. I'm not sure how to find anything on Itch.

I'm mostly looking for historical campaigns at the moment. Maybe in the Ukrainian Revolution, maybe in the Coal Wars.

Maybe globe-trotting pulp.

I'm open to not-so-historical versions of the period, from Indiana Jones out to Tintin with its fictional countries.

There are a couple Savage Worlds campaigns, like Thrilling Tales and Daring Tales, in that range, and there's the Rocket Age series for space pulp.

But I'm not looking for fantasy settings. And I'd rather have a no-magic setting or a low-magic one where it is truly exceptional. And I'd much rather avoid horror! Of course the wars, terrors, and epidemics caused their own horrors, but it's quite enough without adding more.

It might help if it's written for Tricube Tales, Tiny d6, Blade & Lockpick, FATE, or Savage Worlds.

– submitted by – /u/Ananiujitha