Roll 3d6 - Roleplaying Resources


This site features resources for the tabletop roleplaying game crowd, designed to work on any device. Bookmark this site as a handy, cell-phone friendly GM toolbox.

Tools features useful random game information generators. Names will take you to a variety of person, place, item, and event name generators. Archives links to useful RPG-related articles. Games accesses information for my various campaigns. News brings in RPG news from multiple sources. Dogs is a section for my pets and other miscellaneous info.

For additional gaming resources, check out the Dinky Dungeons fan site.

Today's featured gaming tool: Weapon Name Generator

Gaming Tips

Tips for Players
Interact well with NPCs, whether they are friend or foe. Treat them like real people.

Tips for GameMasters
Be Dramatic - Major events in the story should be memorable. Something that impresses or intimidates a character is likely to seem larger-than-life. If a PC dies, make sure it's a particularly tragic or heroic death that fits into the storyline.

From the RPG Glossary...
Classic dungeon crawl - A type of adventure in which the characters fight their way through an extensive dungeon (or other labyrinthine environment), killing the monsters that live there and looting any treasure they find; the term can be used in a derogatory sense, since dungeon crawls often lack any meaningful plot or logical consistency.

Gaming Humor

When I Am the Evil Overlord...
When my guards split up to search for intruders, they will always travel in groups of at least two. They will be trained so that if one of them disappears mysteriously while on patrol, the other will immediately initiate an alert and call for backup, instead of quizzically peering around a corner.

You Might Be A Gamer If...
You've bought a game even though you didn't like the genre or the rules, so that you could fix the rules and convert them to a different genre.

Gamer To Avoid
The In-Fighter - He frequently instigates conflict with other player's characters.

Things I Learned While Gaming
If the king rewards me with a forest, I am to assume he intends for me to keep it a forest.

Site News

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